Sprayer Math

Stock calculator image.

Sprayer math can be intimidating, but the effort gives solid value. When combined with a calibrated sprayer you reap the following benefits: Estimate how long a job will take. Estimate how much spray mix is required. Estimate how much crop protection product must be ordered for the season. Populate spray records which allow you to […]

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Rainfastness of Insecticides and Fungicides on Fruit

This article was co-authored by Kristy Grigg-McGuffin, OMAFRA Horticulture IPM Specialist In view of the frequent heavy rains in many regions this season, understanding rainfastness, or the ability of a pesticide to withstand rainfall, is important to ensure proper efficacy. All pesticides require a certain amount of drying time between application and a rain event. […]

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Do Labels Help us Apply Pesticides Properly?

It happened three times this spring.  As is often the case, I was contacted by growers who wanted help with herbicide application.  In most of these calls, the discussion revolves around the proper choice of nozzles for a specific task, perhaps some questions on spray pressure, water volume and travel speed. But these three were […]

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Operator Safety: How to Avoid Pesticide Hazards

Pesticide Warning Symbols

A Veteran Applicator’s Questions about Pesticide Handling Time and again, after years of working with dozens of different chemicals, I would wonder to myself “How dangerous is this chemical?”, “Is glyphosate as safe as they say it is?”, “How do I find out what type of safety gear I need while handling this chemical?” Beyond the agrichemical […]

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Biopesticides: Holy Grail or Giant Pain?

25 million nematodes.

Biopesticides are a rapidly growing segment in horticultural pest control. While they are often billed as green “miracle cures”, applicators should be aware that they require unique considerations. Issues with lifespan, target specificity, and application technology can all impact their efficacy. However, like any pesticide application, careful planning can minimize wasted time and money. Typically […]

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