It’s odd to begin an article by suggesting the reader consult another, but Dr. Tom Wolf wrote a great summary about adjuvants for SaskPulse in 2023 and you can and should download it here. While I’m at it, also grab this article by Rich Zollinger, Emeritus Extension Weed Scientist, North Dakota State University.
OK, back to the article at hand. An adjuvant is “any substance in an herbicide formulation or added to the spray tank to modify the biological activity or application characteristics”. This means they have an array of functions, such as masking pesticide odor, conditioning carrier water, improving mixing and reducing drift (Utility modifier adjuvants). They can also improve the degree of contact between droplets and the plant surface, or enhance product uptake or rainfastness (Activator adjuvants which include a subset of products referred to as Surfactants [SURFace ACTive agENTS]).
For example, this short video was filmed in 2015 to demonstrate how a sticker surfactant reduces runoff and how a penetrant surfactant can help a product pass through a waxy plant surface. This video was filmed and edited by former OMARA summer student, Victoria Radauskas.
Generally, pesticides already come preformulated with the requisite inerts, which include the utility modifier and activator adjuvants that ensure ease of use and optimal product performance. But sometimes the pesticide label requires the operator to add a particular name brand or category of adjuvant. In this case, the pesticide does not include the adjuvant because it might negatively impact product stability, increase bulk and/or increase expense.
Canada is seeing an increase in the number of adjuvants for purchase (particularly utility modifiers). Claims of improved performance make it tempting to reflexively and proactively throw them in the mix. The grower is free to use any adjuvant provided it is registered for use on the crop and in combination with the pesticide being applied. You can learn more about the regulatory realities in our tank mix article.
We suggest that adding any adjuvant is an optional last step in optimizing a sprayer’s performance. Dialing in all other aspects tend to reap the greatest rewards. Here are a few general guidelines when using surfactants in horticultural crops:
- Do not use penetrants (including oils) with copper, sulphur or captan fungicides.
- Do not use penetrants with contact or surface pesticides.
- Stickers may impede the movement of systemic products.
- Stickers may prevent redistribution to newly emerging leaves early in the growing season (but they may be desirable during wet springs).
- Deposition utility modifiers may negatively affect canopy penetration when employing multi row or alternate row traffic patterns.
- Spreaders are more likely to incur runoff so adjust volumes accordingly.
Additional Resources
The following video presentation was recorded for a 2021 adjuvant conference in Argentina. It’s a primer to introduce what adjuvants are and why we might consider using them. You’ll note that I speak slowly during the presentation – that’s because it was being translated and I wanted to make that process as easy as possible. Also, I think I mistakenly said captan was an insecticide – in fact it’s a fungicide. Oops.
And, just in case you want more, here’s a 2022 interview from Real Agriculture’s “The Agronomists” featuring Tom Wolf of Agrimetrix, and Greg Dahl of Winfield United. For the adjuvant-related part of the conversation, you can pan ahead to the six-minute mark.
Finally, here are two excellent resources you can download:
Purdue’s “Adjuvants and the Power of the Spray Droplet” Booklet