Working with an Arborist: Drive-Along Diaries #1

April 23rd, 3:45 am I was excited. Today would be my first in a series of drive-along experiences with Ontario sprayer operators. However, to get from my home in Southwestern Ontario to Newmarket, I would have to cross Toronto. This is not my favourite thing to do. But, Dean Solway, Plant Healthcare Supervisor with Shady […]

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The Drive-Along Diaries: Prologue

I feel it’s important to occasionally remind myself why I do what I do, and who I’m doing it for. With that, let me tell you a story. I was recently asked to give a presentation about spray coverage and drift mitigation to an arborist organization. I agreed but harboured reservations. I’ve given talks of […]

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Basic Sprayer Math Demystified

Stock calculator image.

Sprayer math can be intimidating, but the effort gives solid value. When combined with a calibrated sprayer you reap the following benefits: There are many ways to perform sprayer math, and you need only look to local pesticide safety courses, industrial catalogues, and extension resource centres for examples. If you’re already comfortable with your current method, don’t […]

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Exploring Spray Drones in Soybean

White mould is caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and it’s an annual threat to soybean when cool, wet conditions correspond with flowering. Variety selection (e.g. high tolerance) and cultural control (e.g. crop rotation and wider row width) are important management tools, but ultimately the application of a crop protection product between R1 and R2 […]

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How to Succeed with a Soil Drench Application in Strawberries

The soil probe. See how far water infiltrates soil by taking core samples.

In 2016, Ontario berry growers were surveyed to determine the typical spray volume they used to apply unspecified crop protection products. For strawberry growers (day-neutral and June-bearing), the results spanned 50 to 1,000 L/ha (~5 gpa to ~100 gpa). In an earlier survey (2013), respondents specified 250 to 650 L/ha (~26.5 to 70 gpa) for […]

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