Pre Emerge Spraying with a Custom Applicator: Drive-Along Diaries #3

Clean Field Services It was May 16th, and I was standing at the front counter of Clean Field Services (CFS) in Drayton, Ontario, looking forward to an interesting day in the buddy seat. While I was waiting on the sprayer operator to check and fill the sprayer, I asked Todd Frey, Customer Service Rep, to […]

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28% UAN in Winter Wheat: Drive-Along Diaries #2

I’d been pestering Dan Petker to let me come along as he and his father Paul applied 28% UAN to the winter wheat on their family farm in Port Rowan, Ontario. Me: “Today?”Dan: “Nope – Wheat’s not at the right stage.”Me: “Today?”Dan: “Nope – Rain in the forecast.”Me: “Today?”Dan: “We’ll see if the ground can […]

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The Drive-Along Diaries: Prologue

I feel it’s important to occasionally remind myself why I do what I do, and who I’m doing it for. With that, let me tell you a story. I was recently asked to give a presentation about spray coverage and drift mitigation to an arborist organization. I agreed but harboured reservations. I’ve given talks of […]

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Basic Sprayer Math Demystified

Stock calculator image.

Sprayer math can be intimidating, but the effort gives solid value. When combined with a calibrated sprayer you reap the following benefits: There are many ways to perform sprayer math, and you need only look to local pesticide safety courses, industrial catalogues, and extension resource centres for examples. If you’re already comfortable with your current method, don’t […]

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Avoiding Skips from PWM Sprayers

Does this sound familiar? “This year was the first year we used a growth regulator on our wheat. After heading, we noticed a wavy pattern of different plant heights between 30 and 45° to the operating direction. It was only a couple inches difference and was difficult to photograph. We sprayed 12 gpa at 9 […]

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