Beluga Drop Hoses in Corn: Utility and Return on Investment

In 2019 we evaluated the spray coverage from nine application methods on corn silks. The results showed that a directed application from drop hoses (aka drop pipes, drop legs) suspended in between the rows gave significantly higher deposits. The results led us to wonder if the superior coverage from a directed application translated to improved […]

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Nitrogen Application Technology in Winter Wheat

With an ever growing selection of options for nozzles and streamer bars, many growers are asking the question, what should I outfit my sprayer with for winter wheat liquid fertilizer applications? Well, it depends on what are you trying to accomplish. If the goal is to push your winter wheat management and improve yields, then […]

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How to Succeed with a Soil Drench Application in Strawberries

The soil probe. See how far water infiltrates soil by taking core samples.

In 2016, Ontario berry growers were surveyed to determine the typical spray volume they used to apply unspecified crop protection products. For strawberry growers (day-neutral and June-bearing), the results spanned 50 to 1,000 L/ha (~5 gpa to ~100 gpa). In an earlier survey (2013), respondents specified 250 to 650 L/ha (~26.5 to 70 gpa) for […]

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The Economics of Spot Sprays

At first glance, spot sprays are a no-brainer. Why spray a whole field when you can save product by spraying just the weeds? But then the first commercial green-on-green systems introduced user fees, complicating the cost equation. Companies sell the hardware, and charge a fee for use of their detection algorithms. Currently, costs range from […]

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Evaluating wheat head coverage from two new nozzles

We’ve written extensively about angled flat fan nozzles and their ideal operating parameters (i.e. pressure, boom height, droplet size, volume and travel speed) for spraying wheat heads. Generally, coverage on the sprayer-approach side of a wheat head (aka the advance side) is easier to achieve because droplets from a conventional flat fan geometry tend to […]

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