Stop and Spray the Roses – More Efficiently!

Spraying roses.

Article co-written with Jennifer Llewellyn, former OMAFRA Nursery Crops Specialist. Nursery growers apply pesticides to a diverse range of plant species. In a perfect world, sprayer operators would adjust their sprayer set-up to match each crop, but this is rarely done because of time constraints and a lack of guidance. Adjustments in product rate and spray distribution […]

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If I had a Low Drift Nozzle

Sung to the tune of “If I had a Rocket Launcher” by Bruce Cockburn Here comes the John Deere sprayer — second time today; All the insects scatter and hope it goes away; How many larvae murdered only Dow can say; If I had a low drift nozzle… I’d make somebody spray. I don’t believe […]

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Exploding Sprayer Myths (Ep.13): Reading Nozzles and Nozzle Tables

After a long hiatus, it’s lucky episode 13! In this installment, Dr. Tom Wolf, intrepid reporter, braves the unforgiving wilds of Saskatoon as he investigates claims of mysterious devices popping up all over the city. Colloquially referred to as “nozzles” these items are imprinted with obscure codes that scientists are struggling to decipher. Be the […]

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What’s the Cost of Poor Deposit Uniformity?

We’ve heard it often: calibrate your nozzles to be sure your boom output is uniform across its entire width. The downside of poor uniformity is obvious: strips of over- or under-application causing problems with pest control or crop tolerance. A graduated cylinder held for 30 s under each nozzle is the approach of choice. Several […]

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Pressure Changes Spray Angles

Soybean demo plot sprayed with a contact herbicide using 110 degree air induction flat fans at 20 psi. The collapsed spray pattern did not overlap sufficiently to burn the entire crop down, leaving a striped pattern and demonstrating the poor coverage.

When we consult a nozzle catalogue we are interested in the flow and droplet sizes produced at a given pressure. Perhaps we should also consider the effect of pressure on spray angle. We have several articles discussing the collective impact of spray overlap, nozzle spacing and boom height on coverage uniformity (Check here and here […]

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