The Art and Beauty of Spraying

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About Jason Deveau (Spray Guy)

Dr. Jason Deveau has been the OMAFA Application Technology Specialist since 2008. He researches and teaches methods to improve the safe, effective and efficient application of agricultural sprays in specialty crops, field crops and controlled environments. He is the co-administrator of Sprayers101, co-author of the Airblast101 Textbook, a slow cyclist and an even slower runner.

See all posts by Jason Deveau (Spray Guy).

This is an indulgent article.

Over the years I’ve amassed thousands of sprayer-related photos. I find some to be compelling and even beautiful. It might be a face, or a composition, or the colours, or maybe evocative subject matter.

What follows is a gallery of such photos. We do not condone or recommend any brand or action in these photos. Nor do we offer any explanations, captions or credits other than to assure you they are all related to spraying. If you recognize a photo as yours and would like credit, or would like it removed from the article, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Update: In the summer of 2022 I asked the Twitterverse to share their beautiful sprayer-related photos and the response was overwhelming. I’ve added some of the photos they shared, but had to make hard choices… there were too many to post them all.


  • Dr. Jason Deveau has been the OMAFA Application Technology Specialist since 2008. He researches and teaches methods to improve the safe, effective and efficient application of agricultural sprays in specialty crops, field crops and controlled environments. He is the co-administrator of Sprayers101, co-author of the Airblast101 Textbook, a slow cyclist and an even slower runner.

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