Sprayers Haiku 2017

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About Jason and Tom

With more than 40 years of experience in agricultural spraying, Tom and Jason have researched and presented on many aspects of safe, effective and efficient applications.

See all posts by Jason and Tom.

In 2016 we asked the Twitterverse to play along as we wrote sprayer poems in the form of haiku. The response was tremendous and the poems were so well done. We scooped them up into an article called #SprayerHaiku.

Well, we couldn’t help ourselves. On a nostaglic impulse, we did it again in 2017 and our Twitter followers rose to the occasion with a new batch of thoughtful Haiku! While we admit that a few people miscounted the syllables (5-7-5) their efforts make them worthy of a reprint.

The best submission, @HortGuy85, won a Sprayers101 Mug! It was his Yoda meme that put him over the top. You’ll have to read all the way to the end to see it.

Do I spray or not
Follow thresholds for guidance
Not rocket science

Have pesticide spill?
Protect yourself first and call
Spills Action Centre.

Two sprayer experts
With a new mug up for grabs
Making poets of farmers

Keep out after spray
Restricted Entry Interval
Tell others always

When spraying your crop,
Don’t forget to #MixItUp
Spray multiple Groups

Modify water,
use the proper adjuvants,
droplet on target

(To the tune of Red Solo Cup)
Their green soybeans cupped,
I shouldn’t have filled you up,
Their lawyers’ party!

Fine droplets drift off
Float on the pre-dawn still air
Keeping me employed

Dicamba Nozzles:
Use TTI Ultra Coarse
Xtend the boom

I know two rinses
After spraying Odyssey
Still nukes Canola

Roses are red,
Violets may be blue,
They need spraying too

Assume tomatoes
Will be injured if even
They smell dicamba

Spray on autosteer
but watch for field obstacles
****, down for repairs

Driving sprayer fast
Does not save as much time as
Filling, cleaning fast.

Sprayer slows at turn,
Pressure drops, gaps in the spray.
Minimum 2 bar.

Dry, still, cloudless eve
Why did my pesticide drift?
Thermal inversion.

Single tank rinse
After spraying dicamba
Too much residue

Contorted will be
Your berry growing career
If Tordon you use


  • With more than 40 years of experience in agricultural spraying, Tom and Jason have researched and presented on many aspects of safe, effective and efficient applications.

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