Airblast Productivity and Work Rate Calculator

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About David Manktelow

Grew up working on orchards in the Bay of Plenty (NZ). BSc in Hort. Sci. at Massey University, MSc in Disease Mgmt. and PhD in Application Tech at Lincoln University. Combining biology and application technology in fruit crops, focused on depositing spray on the target as a drift reduction strategy, passionate about developing tools to improve industry uptake of truly sustainable production practices. Planning to fit in some serious sailing along the way, too.

See all posts by David Manktelow.

There are many factors that affect the work rate of an airblast application. If an operator can improve their work rate, without compromising spray efficacy or safety, they improve operational efficiency and save money.

But how does each variable factor in? Is it worth the cost of a tender truck and operator to fill more efficiently? Should you upgrade to a multi-row sprayer? Should your next planting have longer rows? We have a simple calculator that can help you make these decisions. You can build and compare multiple scenarios to explore the relative impact of small changes to your typical spray program. We recommend making only one change for each scenario so you can better understand the results. Print the comparison page for your records.

Whether you’re a sprayer operator, or a manager of sprayer operators, this exercise will help you see your spray program in a whole new light. Download a copy of the Airblast Budget and Work Rate Calculator and explore your productivity. You must have Excel to run the spreadsheet, and you must permit the use of macros (you’ll be prompted to accept).

Spoiler: It’s amazing how changes to travel speed have only a marginal impact on work rate. Often less than 60% of the total spray job is spent actually spraying!

If you’d like to see just how productive you can be, check out this rare (possibly unique) sprayer from Ed Oxley Farms in Michigan. Built on an OXBO 7550, this sprayer is the fourth iteration of a concept developed over the last 20 years by Ed Oxley Farms and ag engineers from Michigan State University.

Capable of spraying five rows at a time, this self-propelled beast is a hybrid wrap-around and targeting-tower system that uses CurTec spray heads equipped with tangential fans and wire-mesh basket rotary atomizers.

That’s not dribbling – that’s purging the boom prior to spraying.

It sprays a mere 150 L/ha (~ 15 gallons/acre) at a ripping 13 km/h (~8 mph), as seen on the Ag Leader monitor below.

When row spacing and turn time are accounted for, that means it’s capable of covering almost 15 hectares (~40 acres) per hour.

And, when not spraying grapes, the boom can be swapped to make it a high-clearance corn sprayer. It doesn’t get much more efficient than this.

The following videos will show the view from inside and outside the cab. Note that the row that’s straddled is sprayed from an overhead spray head mounted to the centre rack behind the sprayer. The two adjacent rows are covered from one side from vertical spray heads mounted on the chassis. Finally, the boom holds two more overhead spray heads for the outer-most rows.

Ideally, the boom-mounted spray heads would be suspended vertically inside the row, but it makes for such a wide turn radius that it would take too long to turn… assuming there was enough headland to allow it. They’re also swept-back to minimize the turn radius and reduce the amount of airborne spray that deposits on the sprayer itself.

A clever design that makes a few compromises to ideal coverage in order to improve productivity. The balance works for them and this sprayer might be a sign of things to come in horticultural crop production systems. Want to see how your sprayer stacks up? Download the calculator and see where you might be able to make improvements.


  • Grew up working on orchards in the Bay of Plenty (NZ). BSc in Hort. Sci. at Massey University, MSc in Disease Mgmt. and PhD in Application Tech at Lincoln University. Combining biology and application technology in fruit crops, focused on depositing spray on the target as a drift reduction strategy, passionate about developing tools to improve industry uptake of truly sustainable production practices. Planning to fit in some serious sailing along the way, too.

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