An Easier Way to Clean Your Sprayer

Farming can be divided into pleasant and unpleasant tasks.  Seeding is pleasant.  Hauling oats or barley not so much.  Sprayer cleaning is…not.  And yet it’s the unpleasant tasks that are often the most important.  How can we make them better? We all know the need for a properly cleaned sprayer.  Herbicide residue can harm a […]

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Increase Sprayer Productivity Without Driving Faster

Timing trumps most things in crop protection. A great spray applied at the wrong time isn’t nearly as valuable as a mediocre spray at the right time. So how do we improve our ability to get things done at the right time? Often, we try to win races by driving faster. In our last article, […]

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Rate Controllers and Spray Pressure


Automatic rate controllers are standard equipment on almost all new sprayers. They ensure consistent application volumes, but they don’t do all the thinking for you.  We explore how to make them work properly. A rate controller needs to know the boom width (entered by the user), the total spray liquid flow rate (from a flow […]

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Selecting the Right Water Volume

JD 4940

Low water volumes can mean less effort to apply pesticides. But there is a limit to how low water volumes can go before problems appear. To understand the reasons why, and help applicators use the right volume for a given situation, we briefly outline what happens to a spray cloud as it reaches the crop canopy. Basic Principles […]

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Cleaning Your Sprayer

Sprayer Cleaning

We all know the importance of cleaning out a sprayer. It protects a sensitive crop. It protects people working with the sprayer. It protects the sprayer and its components. But cleaning the sprayer is a pain. Here are some tips to make it easier. Some herbicide label instructions are cumbersome, requiring many flushes with full […]

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