Fungicide Application Basics

Fungicide use appears to be the fastest growing segment of North American crop protection.  Here is some advice on how to get the best bang for the buck. Timing is the most important part of fungicide application. Diseases can develop and spread quickly.  Most fungicides cannot cure a disease infection, they can only protect against […]

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Water Quality and Spray Application

Water is one of the main inputs into a spray operation. The amount of water applied per acre is closely related to spray coverage and pesticide performance. But water quality – a term encompassing its cleanliness and chemical composition – is also critical to the performance of pesticides. Ensuring good performance means testing water and […]

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Top Five Tips for the Spray Season

This article was originally written by @nozzle_guy as a guest blog for Farm At Hand, and is reproduced with permission. Spray season is here, but are you ready?  Here are 5 tricks to give you a productivity edge. Choose a spray pressure in the middle of your nozzle’s operating range.  All spray nozzles have a […]

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Increase Sprayer Productivity Without Driving Faster

Timing trumps most things in crop protection. A great spray applied at the wrong time isn’t nearly as valuable as a mediocre spray at the right time. So how do we improve our ability to get things done at the right time? Often, we try to win races by driving faster. In our last article, […]

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How Fast Should I Drive My Sprayer?

It seems simple: The faster you drive the sprayer, the more area you cover. This makes higher travel speeds a seductive method for improving productivity. Sprayer manufacturers knew this 25 years ago when pull-type sprayers first received bigger, suspended outrigger wheels. Since then they’ve delivered more powerful engines, better hydraulic motors, smoother suspension and cruise […]

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