A New Way to Purchase Sprayers

I always await a trade show with excitement. Everyone’s going to be there, showing their latest and greatest. You see old friends. And of course, trade-show food. Every year, I search for the Fiddle Sticks I learned to love in the 80s. They’ve been replaced by the Pocket Dawg, it seems. Not the same. Touring […]

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The 2015 in Review: 8 Points Evaluation of Your Spray Program – Tips with Tom #12

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During post-harvest down-time, it’s important to take a much needed breather.Then, before you know it’ll be time to start the shop projects and equipment maintenance for next year, if you haven’t started already. Before you get started, though, Tom Wolf has a handy list of things to evaluate, clean up, fix or replace on the […]

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Choosing a New Tank, Burn-off Tank Mixes & Nozzle Swapping – Tips with Tom #11

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How often do you test spray-water quality and what do you do if you’ve got hard water? If you’re looking to replace your spray tank, is stainless still the way to go? What about double nozzles — are they really the bee’s knees? The questions surrounding these aspects of spraying come up very often. Tom […]

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The Pros & Cons of Aerial Application – Tips with Tom #10

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Hiring an aerial applicator means fewer tracks in the crop and often a quicker spray application, but spray planes are not miraculous, says Tom Wolf. In fact, they deal with a lot of the same challenges as their well-grounded counterparts. In this last installment of his 10 part series, Tom answers some of the most […]

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Measuring Spray Coverage – Tips with Tom #8

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The importance of good spray coverage is emphasized in all kinds of agricultural publications, including product labels. But, according to Tom Wolf, “the labels are remarkably silent on what good coverage actually is and how you can actually measure it.” Tom goes on to explain that spray coverage can be defined using three main criteria: […]

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