The Agitation over Agitation

Sprayers101 recently received a couple of seemingly unrelated questions about airblast sprayers: What are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical versus hydraulic agitation? Why would someone want a stainless tank versus the cheaper poly or fiberglass options? Recognizing that each manufacturer has their own reasons for the features and materials used in their sprayers, we […]

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Plumbing Projects That Make Spraying Easier and Safer

Some of our biggest struggles in spraying involve the start and end of each spray day. When starting a new field after the sprayer is cleaned, we need to prime the boom. If it’s full of water, that water has to be purged and the question is always for how long and where to do […]

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The Pressure Gauge Shows More Than Pressure

A sick pressure gauge might be trying to tell you something...

Kim Blagborne (formally with Slimline Manufacturing) has long said that the pressure gauge on an airblast sprayer indicates more than just pressure. It can be used to diagnose a number of pump and plumbing issues… if you know what to look for. Here’s Kim’s troubleshooting guide to reading into what your gauge is REALLY telling […]

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Measuring Pressure Drop

All sprayers experience a drop in pressure as the solution moves further away from the pump.  Here’s why that’s important, and how to measure it. Optimal nozzle operation in terms of spray quality and fan angle is closely tied to spray pressure.  As we try to maximize travel speed range with a modern sprayer, we […]

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Rate Controllers and Spray Pressure


Automatic rate controllers are standard equipment on almost all new sprayers. They ensure consistent application volumes, but they don’t do all the thinking for you.  We explore how to make them work properly. A rate controller needs to know the boom width (entered by the user), the total spray liquid flow rate (from a flow […]

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