Sprayer Wheel Maintenance

Replace the wheel and rim.

This article was co-written with Murray Thiessen, Consulting Agricultural Mechanic. Sprayer wheel assemblies should be cleaned and inspected as part of regular annual maintenance. Wheel bearing maintenance before long-term storage may prevent water from corroding the bearings. The exploded diagram details the parts found in a typical trailed air-assist sprayer wheel assembly. The following procedure was performed […]

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Remove and scrub your filters – Even when you use Dawn

This article was co-developed by Mike Cowbrough, OMAFRA Weed Management Specialist in Field Crops Why scrub filters? Why do we ask you to manually scrub residue from sprayer filters and housings before changing chemistries? Here are three reasons why rinsing in-place may not be good enough: An experiment To some, the previous statements may seem […]

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Recirculating Booms – Introduction to the Concept

A lot of people are intimidated by sprayer plumbing. One look at the spaghetti bowl of spray mix and hydraulic hoses and valves, and they walk away. It hasn’t helped that much of it is concealed under the frame and all of it is in the same black colour, so figuring it out on your […]

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Biobeds for Pesticide Waste Disposal

One of the most challenging aspects of a spray operation is the disposal of leftovers or rinsate containing pesticides. Let’s be honest, too much of it is drained onto the ground in a corner of the yard or the field. Nobody’s happy about that, nobody’s proud of it, but what are the alternatives? Waste disposal […]

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Diluting 20,000-Fold with a 30 Gallon Remaining Volume in a 1,200 Gallon Tank

(This short article is an addendum to this article) Our goal in this example is to dilute by a factor of 20,000. The maximum amount of dilution possible with a 1,200 gallon tank and a 30 gallon remainder is 1200/30=40. The formulae: Dilution per Rinse = final dilution ^(1/# of rinses) Rinse Volume = (dilution […]

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