This video won the Gold 2019 Canadian Farm Writers Federation’s Jack McPherson Award for Electronic Media. This award is for the best video, news story or feature broadcast by a Canadian medium less than 15 minutes in length on an agricultural topic. We’d like to thank Jason Strove, Bern Tobin and the whole team at […]
Tag: weather
What is Delta T and why is it important for spraying?
Humidity is important in spraying. With the average tank of pesticide being 90 to 99.5% water, evaporation plays an important role in both droplet size and active ingredient concentration. Low humidity causes droplets to evaporate faster, potentially increasing drift and reducing uptake. But relative humidity (RH) isn’t the best way to measure this effect because […]
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Application Recordkeeping: Focus on Environmental Conditions
Note: This article was written by Bob Wolf of Wolf Consulting and Research, and first appeared as an NDSU Extension Service publication. Bob has agreed to reproduce the article on our website. When applying crop protection products, a good steward is one who can identify and record the environmental factors that may negatively impact making an application; particularly, […]
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The Case for Low-Drift Sprays
This article was written by Tom Wolf for “PEI Potato News Magazine”, a publication of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board ( It is reprinted with permission. PEI Potato News Magazine “Should I be using low-drift nozzles?” It seems like a simple question with an obvious answer. We all want to reduce spray drift, and […]