Is it OK to Spray in the Early Morning? – Tips with Tom #2

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It’s early morning on a bright, clear day. The sun is just starting to climb. There’s a heavy dew on the crop. Should you still head out to spray? Well, the dew is one thing, but there’s a much larger factor at play here that should factor in your decision. Whether or not you should […]

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7 Tips for Purchasing a New Sprayer – Tips with Tom #1

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What’s the only surefire way to know whether or not the sprayer is applying product at the rate you’ve specified? Can you let the cab monitor set it and forget it? After the Question of the Day, Tom moves on to the very important decision of choosing a new sprayer. What’s your goal? Getting more […]

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Debunking Sprayer Myths

Reproduced from an article written by Angela Lovell for Grainews, 2014 “The fundamental challenge of spraying is that it’s a compromise game,” said Tom Wolf of Agrimetrix Research and Training. “As operators and advisors we need to always balance the opposite needs of coverage, efficacy and drift.” Wolf, in a presentation at the recent Manitoba […]

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Fungicide Application Basics

Fungicide use appears to be the fastest growing segment of North American crop protection.  Here is some advice on how to get the best bang for the buck. Timing is the most important part of fungicide application. Diseases can develop and spread quickly.  Most fungicides cannot cure a disease infection, they can only protect against […]

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Water Quality and Spray Application

Water is one of the main inputs into a spray operation. The amount of water applied per acre is closely related to spray coverage and pesticide performance. But water quality – a term encompassing its cleanliness and chemical composition – is also critical to the performance of pesticides. Ensuring good performance means testing water and […]

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